Revision History

The following is a reverse chronological history of all CD changes since the first one in 2000. It is moderately technical, and in a programmer jargon, but you probably can figure it out. In 2014, we changed the media from CD to DVD. 

As of March 2008 CD, the Teacher Pack and Special Ed CDs are identical except for the internal label on the CD (SPED says EFI_SPED_date, teacher pack is EFI_TEACH_date)




Modified all Mac installers to use TTFs instead of suitcases.


Modified all Mac LinkLetters and installers to run under OS 10.15, Catalina.


Three new font families, CL (Cursive Logic), Montessori, and RS (Spalding).

Added manuscript fonts to DK, nine total.

A second method to link GDI Cursive and Combined.

Fixed the location of the starting dot on one letter each in several Manuscript fonts: DN, FS, HB, HI ZB, OZ, and PT.


Changed over to DVD as the media instead of CD.

Changed CCU, DK, FS, McD, OZ, Palmer, PM, PT, QM, RU, SSD, and SV fonts in order to get them to install on the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1.

Changed names of 22 cursive fonts so they will paste into Microsoft Word properly after running LinkLetter.

Changed all of the Mac and Windows LinkLetter and undoLinkLetter programs to be able to process our fonts when Microsoft Word decides there are Turkish characters.

Changed accents in FDN.

Added three ornamental fonts to EFI Decorative.


Corrected problem with top line in the AB Manuscript and AB Cursive ruled fonts
Added two ZB Manuscript fonts - Boxed Letters and DotLetBoxed
Fixed the vertical bar (|) in ZB Cursive
Corrected the arrows on the T in ZB Cursive Arrows Rules and with Arrows
Windows Linkletter programs now always puts TEXT onto the clipboard; there could be ? instead of the actual character when there is no TEXT character available
New User Guide - Windows 8


Mac Lion installers, no more OS 9 installers, DroppedStuffed many of the RawFonts on the CDs
Have "addendum" CD with Mac OS 9 installers and all Mac RawFonts
changed number 8 in all HWT fonts, mac and windows
changed PM23 and PM48 cursive – moved ligations, might need to relink
redid all Mac linkletters to compile on 10.6.8, added \'fa to all RTF_TEXT, bug fixes for Pages/TextEdit,
4 new CF fonts
renamed Palmer Manuscript to NP Manuscript
cleaned up all ZB fonts
new SP groups - Dysfunctional Letterforms and Direct Instruction, redid installers to include them
AB: cleaned up AB Manuscript, added NAB Manuscript
RU: fixed characters for spaces between caps
include UserGuide in installs (mac and Win)


changed the Benson and Spanish sample sheets, redid mac and windows installers using these


Many installers also have choices for also installing the Specialty font groups
redid manuscript phonics fonts, Windows Linkletters (to make easier to maintain)
changed SDN, GDN, FDN - must undo before installing
changed GDI, HB, LG, McD, OZ, RU, SSD, ZB cursive – moved ligations, might need to relink
added AIDI, Benson, MX, NSW, SK, Spencer, Victoria
added Pastor Hausley's 6 rule to Specialty, Vogel Method to Decorative
see Font_changes.doc for details


Windows - linkletter support for 64 bit operating systems (primarily Vista), using BCC55
Mac - link & undo fixes so they don't abort if nothing on clipboard
Both: minor changes to LG dots, Dots Rules fonts; changed emo-faces samples


1.  Redid all Windows link and undo to work better with Open Office (we now put unicode out on the clipboard, just like the Mac)
2.  Mac changed to a new routine to check if fonts installed (FM is deprecated). 
3. Mac - fixed installs so they replace by date, not version numberf
3.  NAB Cursive fonts
4.  LG Cursive Outlines Arrows is new font
5.  Fixed Link FDN and GDN to correctly relink all text (Mac and Windows)
6.  Minor font fixes to some of the fonts in CF, FS, SV PM, QBA


Redid all Mac linkletters to use Pasteboard rather than clipboard, recoded Linkletters so neo-office and open office mostly works


All Mac installers: new license agreement (covers SU, SL, and Sped)
Mac - Redid all Linkletter and undo Linkletter for OS 10.4 and higher – Office 2008 fixes
Windows – modified all Linkletter and undo Linkletter, Office 2003 SP3 “proper Name” problem
New font family, CF, both Mac and PC
Added HWT manuscript fonts with dotted centerline, Mac and PC
Back to just one Windows folder (one set of installers)


Fixed the starting dot on the number 5 in HWT Manuscript Outlines, Outlines Rules, Outlines 3Rules
Windows – can’t build the old installers any more.  Added an XP folder, that is empty except for the readme pointing everybody to the Vista_XP folder. is also empty except for the readme
New User Guide


All: changed one of the European letters in HB Manuscript Rules
1.  New installers for Vista
2.  New link/undo for Windows, Office 2007
3.  Two sets of installers for Windows


1.  Fixed J in CCU Manuscript Dashes Rules
2.  Fixed 2 in all HWT fonts


1.  Mac OS X Universal installers (for Intel)
2.  fixed d and o in HWT Man Arrows, Man Arrows 3 rules and Manuscript with Arrows
3.  fixed number of dots on 7 in EFI Count Dots on Numbers
4.  Changed spacing on j in OZ Manuscript Rules


Fixed p in QBA Manuscript 2 rules, 3 rules


1. Added one font in the Decorative family, EFI Extra Fancy.
2. Added two more fonts families:
 DK - cursive fonts for left-handed and right-handed writers
 QM - Queensland Modern, the writing taught in Queensland Province, Australia
1. Changed spacing of numbers in the four FS Manuscript Outlines variations.
2. Changed ] and \ in McD Manuscript Arrows Rules.
3. Modified the placement and look of the dots in EFI Count Dots on Numbers.
4. Changed the spacing between p and q in OZ Manuscript Bold.


Redid all (Man and Cur) fonts and Link/Unlink (Mac and Windows) for Word 2004 on the Mac
Added RawFonts folder for Mac and Windows and AUTOEXEC.NT
Changed all references for AB to be ® instead of ©
Updated User Guide on CD to have trademark and copyright attributions


French, German, and Spanish DN Cursive
Three more SP fonts (Count Dots, Direct Instruction, Music)
All installers except Decorative, LG, and RU let you select groups to install
Added phonics fonts to all Manuscript families except Russian
Added four Russian fonts
Change to HWT Manuscript Starting Dots mnr
GDI cursive letter e
FS, HB, OZ, ZB A, O, Q wrong height
Added OS 9_X installers that require authentication
Separated root readmes into readme and "making copies"
Using single generic font family readmes for all CDs


New User Guide


ZB font fix
CCU Mac installer wrong OS X readme
User Guide updated


SP, ZB font fixes
Mac family ReadMes
User Guide updated

First one with User Guide

DN, GDI fixes
User Guide updated


Redo Mac installers to avoid problem with OS 8.6 
"blank rule" character in the bar character (|) of every font
All the handwriting fonts have the international character set.


DN Cursive fonts with arrows - fixed F, I, and T
LinkLetter DN OS X now works when using Appleworks on OS X
HWT 3 rules


Added two HWT Manuscript fonts


OS X native mode
Bug fixes:
- DN Manuscript Dot Boxes: correct starting dot for "d"
- Russian Cursive: "you" links correctly
- HB Cursive Outlines and HB Cursive Outlines Rules: capital letters are further apart
- HB Manuscript Dots Arrows: fixed the underscore character
- Linkletter OZ and Linkletter ZB programs: fixed emdash and endash
- Linkletter NP: fixed accent and tilde before punctuation
- LinkLetter DN: fixed accent and tilde at end of line
New fonts:
- Added two Russian Manuscript fonts
- Added four Palmer Manuscript fonts


Several new font families, first one with all of the current ones.
The Mac installers include customized installations for the first time. 
The cursive fonts have been slightly modified in all cases to accommodate bugs in word processors.  (mostly for Windows XP and Mac Word 'E6)
Sequential capital letters in the Cursive fonts no longer clunk into each other after linking.
Four new Specialty fonts


First CD: DN, GDI, HB, McD, OZ, Palmer, PM, PT, SSD, ZB, Specialty