Buy Newer Version/Replacement disk

We need to verify your previous purchase

before we can sell you a newer version of your older disk -- either a download or a replacement disk for your floppy disks(!)/CD/DVD! We keep very good records. We try to match you up by last name, or street address, or zipcode -- everything but shoe size.

You MUST be a teacher in a public school, private school, or homeschool, or tutor students directly, such as an OT. It is NOT for Business users, who can buy here. If you are selling work involving our fonts, you are a Business.

If you want to upgrade from a Single User License to a Site License (all computers at school, all teachers at home), the price is $300 minus $49.95 * [however many Single User Licenses you have]. Email us and we'll give you a formal quote.

A Single User License (SU) upgrade - covers one computer at school and one teacher at home. You may install the fonts on a shared computer, such as in a computer lab. But on only one computer at one school, and one teacher at home. Exception: a Special Ed teacher may use the fonts anywhere for special ed students, but only the Special Ed teacher, not the classroom teachers.

IMPORTANT! If you want more than one font family just buy the one you want most and include the DVD in your purchase. The DVD will have all the other font families on it - free! Contact us if you want more than one download.

If you didn't buy it yourself but have been using the fonts at school, you might be an orphan (#4 below). If you don't have an invoice, call (1-800-806-2155) or email us, and we'll search our records for a previous order.

You must email us with the information about your previous order (name, address, school, etc.), and which font family you would like for the download.

If you need it desperately — Right Now! — call us (1-800-806-2155) with a Visa or MC or Discover card in hand. We'll do the verify over the phone, will send you a download link, and the optional disk to follow by mail. We do try to help.

Please select what you want, click on the blue hyperlink, and you will be transfered to a secure online processing service,, to enter credit card and address information. After you have paid for the replacement, EFI will get an email notification, and, if you chose to buy a disk, we will send your DVD out within 24 hours.

If you also want to request a download, call us at 1-800-806-2155 and tell the Office Manager that you have sent money for an upgrade, or (better) send us an email message to that effect. Make sure that your message specifies Mac or Windows and what font family you want. Email:

*International buyers: Due the the rising costs of international mail, if you want a disk, you will have to pay the actual cost for shipping. Please contact us by email to determine cost. It will be at least $17.

1. Single User License holders may upgrade to current materials for $20/$25 here (plus sales tax if in WA).

Note: If you have purchased only Fingerletters ($5) or Dysfunctional Letterforms ($5), you do not have a Single User License, and need to pay $44.95 to buy a Single User license (plus $5 if you want a DVD also). Call (800-806-2155) or email us ( to place your Single User Order.

Download-only Mac, $20 (plus sales tax if in WA)

Download-only Windows, $20 (plus sales tax if in WA)

Download-Mac + DVD, $25 (plus sales tax if in WA) (DVD has both Mac and Windows installers, all font families)

Download-Windows + DVD, $25 (plus sales tax if in WA) (DVD has both Mac and Windows installers, all font families)

2. Site License Upgrades ($100) (plus sales tax if in WA). If you already have a Site License, it needs to be verified, so email us your school address and the font family that you want. Site License Upgrade

3. Business Project License Upgrades ($100) (plus sales tax if in WA) must be verified, so email us your business name and the font family that you want. Business Project License Upgrade

4. I'm an orphan!  I used the fonts for years at my old school, but I'm not there anymore.  Or my current school has a Site License, but they won't upgrade.  This License is for me only, not the whole school. I miss your fonts!

 OK. Please email us the name and address of the school where you previously taught.  Also -- very important -- tell us which font family you want for a download.  Once we verify that the school has a valid Site License, we can process your order.

Download-only Mac, $20 (plus sales tax if in WA)

Download-only Windows, $20 (plus sales tax if in WA)

Download-Mac + DVD, $25 (plus sales tax if in WA) (DVD has both Mac and Windows installers, all font families)

Download-Windows + DVD, $25 (plus sales tax if in WA) (DVD has both Mac and Windows installers, all font families)

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